Edmond and I are proud to say our daughter, Allaysha, will now be joining us for family shoots. 🙂 She’s gone with us in the past, and really enjoyed it! So we “hired” her. Allaysha will be helping us with all the younger children. . With her school work, and helping out with her little […]
Author: Marlana
St. John Family | Rancho Bernardo, CA
Thank you to the St. John family for a wonderful time!! Edmond and I really enjoyed ourselves that afternoon. Aiden and Ava sure do remind me of Owynn and EllaMae!!! 🙂 Hope you enjoyed them!
Family Friday’s | Owynn’s Easter 2010
This Easter, we were all gathered at Grandpa Ed’s backyard for an egg hunt. Poor EllaMae had allergies and was not in the mood, and Allaysha..well let’s just say, egg hunts are for kids! 🙂 So..Owynn and his cousin Aiden took on the egg hunt for everyone else! Owynn got lots of eggs, and later […]